
Blackrock Society Talks – Updated 1/5/2024

Blackrock Society “Scientia Sit Liberalis”
Blackrock Dolmen by Rowan Gillespie
Rowan Gillespie’s Dolmen (1987) at N11/Temple Rd junction


Monday 13th May 2024

Ireland’s Garden Birds

By Niall Hatch (Birdwatch Ireland)

Niall will introduce us to the rich diversity of our garden birds. He will explain how we can identify the different species. Also, he will discuss the role we can play in protecting them, feeding them and in the provision of nesting boxes. This is important in the light of the current threats to the bird population of insect loss, intensification of agriculture and growing cases of avian ‘flu. Greater understanding of birds is a most rewarding and enriching experience.

Niall is Head of Communications and Development with BirdWatch Ireland, Ireland’s largest wildlife conservation charity. A keen birdwatcher since early childhood, he is a frequent contributor to radio and television programmes. He also co-hosts their ‘In your Nature’ podcast and works closely with their BirdLife International Partners.  

See previous lectures for 2024,’23,’22,’20 and 2019 HERE

Please note there is an attendance charge of €5 for non-members of Blackrock Society


Further talks and lectures for the Spring/Autumn/Winter of 2024 will be confirmed shortly and this site will be updated. If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact Douglas by email at info at blackrocksociety.ie


All lectures are at 8.00pm and are held in
Blackrock Society was established in 1921 and is supported by local businesses and is a Member of the Federation of Local History Societies.

Blackrock Society – Aims

Blackrock Main St at the turn of the 19th century

The aims of Blackrock Society are to:

To create an awareness of the history, culture, science and literary contributions, architecture, people and, indeed, the peculiarities of the County Dublin town of Blackrock, together with its surrounds, thus adding to the local community’s sense of itself.

To help preserve the unique character of Blackrock from diffusion or loss.

To record details of events, both local and national, consider their impact, and disseminate them through lectures and visits.

To publish an annual illustrated journal of our activities including lectures, discussions and trips.

We have been endeavouring to promote these aims from our inception in 1921.

Want to join Blackrock Society? Then please click here to download our membership form