Monday 16th September 2024
The Munitions Strike of 1920 – How Dockers and Rail Workers Defied an Empire
By Padraig Yeates (Journalist & Author)
Padraig will introduce us to an aspect of Irish history that many may well be unfamiliar with, yet played a major role in the push for Irish independence. The Munitions Strike of May to December 1920 on the railways in Ireland started when railway workers placed an embargo on the transportation of British military forces and munitions. The strike initiative had initially arisen in England after London dockers refused to load a ship with munitions for Poland’s war on Russia which had become the Soviet state.
Padraig will explain the rationale behind the strike, show how this sudden display of passive resistance severely disrupted British attempts to put down the burgeoning Irish revolt, badly set back British military actions here, and left the British administration in Ireland in a humiliating and discreditable position.
He will further elaborate on how the strike which lasted seven months struck a major peaceful blow for Irish independence by helping the British begin to come to the realisation that Ireland might be a more ungovernable proposition than they could afford to persist with.
Padraig is a journalist and the author of a number of books including the Dublin quartet: Lockout: Dublin 1913, A City in Wartime: Dublin 1914–18, A City in Turmoil: Dublin 1919–21 and A City in Civil War: Dublin 1921–24 among others. He is also Visiting Research Fellow at the Centre for Contemporary Irish History in Trinity College Dublin.
See further details of future, current and previous lectures for 2024,’23,’22,’20 and 2019 HERE
The October talk will on Monday the 14th and will be given by Tom Ferris on the life and career of Niamh Bhreathnach – From Blackrock to Reforming Minister
Please note there is an attendance charge of €5 for non-members of Blackrock Society
Further talks and lectures for the Autumn/Winter of 2024 and Spring of 2025 will be confirmed shortly and this site will be updated. If you are interested in giving a talk, please contact Douglas by email at info at